Monday, 19 May 2014

Rahul Gandhi interview with Arnab Goswami

Ladies and Gentlemen readers, firstly I would like to declare that I am not a Congressman. Also, I do not write about politics. However, after seeing the interview of Rahul Gandhi with Arnab Goswami in YouTube and after reading thru the newspapers and columns in internet, I wanted to take time off and write about the interview and what, in my opinion, is the right perspective to analyze the interview. More importantly, what is the right message to take away from the interview.

The reviews were very sad. Almost all the reviews, some from eminent columnists, were trying to depict that Rahul did not get what Arnab was saying and repeated himself. On the contrary, it was Arnab who did not get what Rahul was saying and it was Arnab who repeated the questions which, in my opinion, when answered will only be of interest to masala movie-goers. Rahul avoided them. In fact, so subtly he had tried to explain to Arnab, ‘let us try and talk about important things’.

During the final minutes, a frustrated Rahul openly condemned that Arnab is not interested in talking about serious issues that Rahul wanted to talk about. The reply from Arnab – lamest excuse possible: ‘If I want to talk about them, I would be listening to a Rahul Gandhi speech. But, this is a Rahul Gandhi interview’.

What it really means – we, the media (channels and newspapers), are not interested in how you are planning to run this country and what are the changes you plan to bring about to the system? Rather we just want to know your answer on ‘Modi calling you a ‘Prince’’. Rahul is not going to answer these questions. He is much bigger than that. And certainly Rahul is not going to be dragged into sensitive and unfortunate riots (and sadly, sensational for the channels even after years have passed) and scams and arrests. He is not game for talking about anything Past. Learning from the Past is as far he would go. From what I could see: Rahul is present. Rahul is future.

Take the single-most important thing from Rahul’s interview! If you listen carefully, he mentioned critical things about how India is run. India is run by policies and laws made by elected representatives. He challenged, read carefully here – even his own party’s procedures, about how we select our candidates who contest elections. Is it not crux of the whole thing? SELECT RIGHT CANDIDATES! Send them to parliament! They make the right policies and laws. They do not involve in scams. The system changes!

After what had happened in the parliament over Telangana row recently, after seeing corrupt politicians arrested, released and re-elected over several decades, after scams after scams looted Indian wealth and after seeing India’s poverty raising to the third of world’ poor – it is high time, we actually listen to someone who has a plan to select right candidates and who has the power to nominate right candidates. Listen to him. Empower Rahul Gandhi! Empower him with overwhelming support!

I thank Rahul for using the word ‘System’ so many times. I sincerely hope every common Indian who had listened to the Interview heard the word as many times and understood that the system in India is fundamentally wrong.

Have questions on Rahul’s plans/ Strategies? Please send someone other than Arnab Goswami, perhaps in a show called ‘Frankly listening’ and listen to Rahul’s idea about selecting right people to run the country and about his plans on changing the system.

Now, please do not come back to me with an intellectual debate that it was Congress that started the Telangana issue and Congress had been severely scam-hit in recent years. This write-up is about all the political parties and current Indian system and about someone who has vision, power and influence to change the system. We, the people of India, have to empower him with overwhelming support that he needs. Let me be very direct and very clear. Empower Rahul with absolute majority! That is the only way the system can change. Just think about it!