Tuesday, 25 February 2014

'Meet my friends' Series:Tony

Meet Tony! Lives West Coastal and operates in western style; Likes chocolates, cars, toys (gadgets and thingamabobs), cologne and cocktails.

Tony likes to play all indoor and outdoor games. Plays Tennis, Cricket, Soccer and Shuttle. Has got the playing styles mixed and when he plays

Cricket – the ball falls within 22 yards even after a couple of bounces. The scorecard reads like 6:3, 7:6 and 4:6 in a three match Test series (innings score separated by :)

Tennis – the ball goes for a six; quite often out of the stadium. The highest individual score for Tony in a Tennis game is 30.

Soccer – the ball never touches the net. Quite often handles the ball with the hand and calls that ‘God’s hand’.

Shuttle – always reaches right in the middle of the net. Quite often takes the shuttle head on.

Most of the photographers in the local studios are flabbergasted to learn how this gentleman with fairly dark complexion looks so white in the photographs. Though his office front desk team keeps two photographs to identify Tony (One with a mustache and one with no mustache) Tony manages to unsettle the front desk by an ever changing hairstyle and grooming.

Tony Likes chocolates and cakes so much that after taking a bite, he applies a trace of cake on clothing as well. His cologne collection matches to the perfume collection in the car. Incidentally, Tony and his car will carry the same hint of a scent during weekdays and weekends. As a couple, when Tony goes to a party, his outfit would match to the same colors that of his spouse, Yellow or Purple.

Tony can draw pictures in his handheld device as well as can exhibit connoisseur’s twist in the cocktails. Tony Sings. And it is sufficient to say that the entire Villas know that Tony sings.

Tony's accessories collection is envied by all at Allianz and at the Villas. The collection of sun glasses are of primary interest for the official gossip. A few young fellows who wanted to outsmart Tony with looks have left the company. A few old and rhyming ones who cannot match his looks and who cannot afford to quit started saying admittedly 'Whatever I wear, I cannot match up to Tony's eye wear'.

Meet Tony! Lives West Coastal and operates in western style. 

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