Friday, 24 October 2014

#SwachhBharat Abhiyan

I hail the Indian government’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Campaign). The campaign is in good direction and the movement is in good direction. Nevertheless, for results, ‘#SwachhBharat’ has to be accountability-oriented and process-driven.

A campaign can bring more awareness and perhaps more support among the Indian public; but, cannot produce results until the battle is process driven.

  1. A central governance committee to be setup and responsible to complete the mission by 2019
  2. Make the District collectors accountable for their districts
  3. Let there be yearly (or) half-yearly reports on the progress – district level and rolled up to state/national level and published by the central governance committee
  1. Let there be a common process (or) a customized process for every district to make/keep the district clean
  2. The process to highlight the difficulties and escalate the hardships - along with the possible solutions - immediately (perhaps in a common forum) for the central governance to take action
Let the government do the monumental task, taking in my ideas (or) not! For me, as an individual, I am going to start today, as I write this blog, to actively participate in the campaign. My goals
  1. My Home – this weekend
  2. My Housing Society – 31st December, 2014
  3. The streets around the Housing Society - 31st March, 2015
  4. Sector 14, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai – 31st December 2015
If I can achieve a clean neighbourhood by the end of next year, I can then pass on the processes, hardships and solutions of the #SwachhBharat drive, to the local administration.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please expect an update to this post on the mentioned date(s) and lets all build a ‘Clean Nation’.

A note of caution: - What we are talking about here is changing century old behaviour of a common man in India, when it comes to public sanitation and cleanliness. It is going to be challenging, slow and a monumental task! Let there be a dustbin in every street in India! Let the force be with us! Jai Hind!

Friday, 17 October 2014

Diwali wishes from ABC Software!

Welcome to ABC Software! As with many things in life, the tenure with ABC is what one makes of it! We have had several unique personas with distinct idiosyncrasies having worked/still working for ABC. Then there was (is) he/she, who

·         Manages the Managers
·         Follows the law : ‘For every action there is an equivalent and opposite inaction’
·         Communicates only one-way
·         Sets up processes to set new policies from already set policies
·         Talks to only ‘n’ ABCians where ‘n’ equals to the number of years spent at ABC
·         Writes poems even for official communication
·         Would not read anything other than Software code for more than 15 seconds
·         Likes to meet (or) should we say, ‘likes Meetings’
·         Picks nicknames to go trendy with latest technology
·         Practices clothing style like late eighties; grooming style like late nineties and constantly wishes to be in late twenties
·         Has unique patent-pending algorithm in picking up colour and style of the outfit, for the day
·         Wrestles the way through to top title in most of the games
·         Looks at software systems only as subsystems
·         Believes ‘Marketing’ lies with    well...
·         Does not spell names Sebisfically Karrectly!
·         Talks only in numbers (or) should we say numbers the ‘Talks’ that are made in a day
·         Measures the smile and if gets flashy, immediately frowns
·         Works hard creating something funny and often times creates funny work
·         Practices the art of conversing in one syllables even for official communication
           An example excerpt:
Q: There is a bug in the system, XYZ.
A: O!
Q: Can you fix it?
A: Y?
Q: Who coded that?
A: I.
Q:  Can you fix it?
A: S.
Q: Where is your Team Leader?
A: T.
Q: I will tell your TL that you fixing the bug.
A: K.
·         Defies science with Decibel level – High
·         Defies science with Decibel level – Low

Welcome to ABC Software! You will be fine!

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Amma released statement from Jail!

If I were the political advisor of Amma, I would recommend the following statement be released immediately by Amma:

"My dear countrymen, I would like to announce to the entire nation that I take complete responsibility for the current legal situation. It is up to me to fight against the hardship and come out clean, unaffected by the challenges, that are posed against me. Thank you for your overwhelming support, during the difficult times. Having said that, I want the following activities be stopped at once in our state.

1.       No protest, in whatsoever form.
2.       No statements in my support, in whatsoever form.

If anybody does one of the above two or both, they are NOT going to enter in my good books. Rather they would end up in my bad books. I appeal to the police department to take strictest action against anyone who breaks the law and cause trouble to the general public and normal life in the state, under the excuse of supporting me.

Until after the legal situation is resolved, in the eyes of the rest of the world, your leader is beheld as corrupt. To some of them your leader is beheld as criminal. I respect their opinion and they are totally entitled to the opinion; I appeal to all my supporters not to display any advertisement projecting me as ‘Dharma Amma, ‘Can GOD be punished?’ etc., It would purely be nauseating to them and would be outright comical to the rest of the world.

Jaya TV to stop broadcasting all the nonsense about 60 people committing suicide to protest against my arrest. It is highly of very bad taste and wrong precedent. It is downright embarrassing when political critics call me and ask ‘Why none of your council of ministers, who cried so profoundly during oath-taking ceremony, haven’t had cardiac arrests?’

I want to reiterate to my supporters that your leader is much taller and too big in stature for a legal situation like this to affect in any significant manner. Also, I would like to reiterate to my countrymen that my agenda for the welfare of the state is vast and I would not go down easily and fight till the very end towards my goal of betterment for the people that immensely have faith in me. In power or not, I would continue to work towards the betterment of my state and would not tolerate any harm done towards my people – physical or emotional, especially under the excuse of supporting me. Jai Hind!"