Friday, 24 October 2014

#SwachhBharat Abhiyan

I hail the Indian government’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Campaign). The campaign is in good direction and the movement is in good direction. Nevertheless, for results, ‘#SwachhBharat’ has to be accountability-oriented and process-driven.

A campaign can bring more awareness and perhaps more support among the Indian public; but, cannot produce results until the battle is process driven.

  1. A central governance committee to be setup and responsible to complete the mission by 2019
  2. Make the District collectors accountable for their districts
  3. Let there be yearly (or) half-yearly reports on the progress – district level and rolled up to state/national level and published by the central governance committee
  1. Let there be a common process (or) a customized process for every district to make/keep the district clean
  2. The process to highlight the difficulties and escalate the hardships - along with the possible solutions - immediately (perhaps in a common forum) for the central governance to take action
Let the government do the monumental task, taking in my ideas (or) not! For me, as an individual, I am going to start today, as I write this blog, to actively participate in the campaign. My goals
  1. My Home – this weekend
  2. My Housing Society – 31st December, 2014
  3. The streets around the Housing Society - 31st March, 2015
  4. Sector 14, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai – 31st December 2015
If I can achieve a clean neighbourhood by the end of next year, I can then pass on the processes, hardships and solutions of the #SwachhBharat drive, to the local administration.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please expect an update to this post on the mentioned date(s) and lets all build a ‘Clean Nation’.

A note of caution: - What we are talking about here is changing century old behaviour of a common man in India, when it comes to public sanitation and cleanliness. It is going to be challenging, slow and a monumental task! Let there be a dustbin in every street in India! Let the force be with us! Jai Hind!

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