Friday, 21 March 2014


I wanted to write this post and publish on 01st April, 2014. Two reasons why I would like to publish a week earlier:
1. Going by the current search results, the post would still remain an April fool’s joke on 01st of April. 
2. Ten days from now, as harsh as it might sound, the world will no longer be interested in MH370.

I have not searched the net for the statistical data on how many Aircraft have gone missing and found or not found, how many ships have hit the bottom of oceans and how many Aircraft have crashed. I do not seem to recollect any information from my memory other than the Sep 09th, planned Aircraft(s) crash into World Trade Centre. The same would be true for many readers.

Why? We always delve into the current hot news. For any other News to stick into our memory, the news has got to be BIG. Unless our relatives, friends or someone we know is affected, the news will be fast forgotten.

Not many details in the search procedures interest me. There is one fact about the passenger(s) mobile phones were ringing even after second or third day into the search. If, in fact, according to the accepted theory, the Aircraft had hit the bottom of an ocean then I would like to know the make and model of the mobile phones and also the service provider details. Very impressive!

As someone who used to be a frequent flyer myself, I sincerely pray and hope that the MH370 be found and all on board are still alive by some miraculous means. People alive or not, still I hope for the Aircraft to be found 1. To pay respect for the departed souls by their relatives and for honourable burials.  2. To get whatever clue towards the cause of Aircraft missing and crash, to learn and avoid such serious errors.

Before signing off, wish that I do not have to post this again on 01st of April, 2015. 

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