Wednesday, 2 April 2014

I have a dream!

Prologue: - Hi All, I had dreamt this write-up on 02nd day of April, 2014. Currently, we have a new Prime Minister in India. Nevertheless, my dreams are still very accurate and I hope and pray that my dreams will come true!


I wanted to write this post and publish on the 01st day of April. But then, I did not want this post to be read with the hint as an April fool’s joke, laughed at and as quickly dismissed from thoughts. I wanted to write this post as a collection of ‘Then There is…’

Since the writing goes on the 02nd day of April, for a good reason, the post would be a collection of ‘Then there will be…’

Then there will be a Prime Minister who would appear on National Television and announce ‘I will not allow any farmer to commit suicide in our land. Farmers, who are watching, take my direct official telephone number and call me if such a thought ever crosses your mind. We will find the cause and eliminate the cause altogether. Trust me! Farmers are the heartbeat of India and I will not allow a farmer’s heartbeat to stop by suicide. Not under my watch!’

Then there will be a Prime Minister who would NOT want to leave a legacy as ‘I have done nothing wrong!’ Rather who would want to leave a legacy as ‘I have done everything Right’ and a stronger legacy as ‘I have not allowed anyone in the government to do anything wrong’

Then there will be a Prime Minister who would NOT allow a neighboring country to mass murder hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens in the name of war against terror. Then there will be a Prime Minister who would NOT allow the same neighboring country to kill Indian fishermen on a daily basis.

Then there will be a Prime Minister who would send a direct strong command, if needed military power, against a State government to force open the rightful River Water Supply to the neighboring state where thousands of farmers die year after year due to the illogical and completely opportunistic political system.

Then there will be an unpolluted political system in our country which will not blend the corruptive measure ‘Cash for Vote’ in any level of the democracy. Then there will be chief ministers of our states with the wholesome goal towards upliftment of the nation and people of the state’s only.

Then there will be authors who will not promote underage drinking and premarital sex in every book that they write to promote sales among what is called as ‘mass’ in the country. Then there will be media as a whole that understands ‘A country is as good as its press!’

Then there will be Police, Investigative and Judiciary systems that are mindful and actually understand the meaning of justice, dignity of justice and understand the know-hows as to whom, for what and by how the justice will be carried out.

Then there will be advanced and civilized society when foreign tourists would declare that our land is the safest in the world, for women. Then there will be a day when almost all billion plus Indians can stand up and say ‘I am proud to be an Indian’! Cheers J

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