Sunday, 13 April 2014

Tamil Nadu Students and 2014 Parliamentary Elections

At the outset, I would like to declare the target audience for this write-up – Tamil Nadu students. Also, though the write-up can act as general guidelines on a student’s role in any elections, would like to restrict the conversation to 2014 parliamentary elections.

Worldwide, there are several examples when Student movements brought about astounding changes. The students of various colleges and institutions in Tamil Nadu have participated in rightful and just movements before; Very well know the effect of such protests.

The time has arrived again when the students have to act upon and exercise the power they rightfully own. VOTE! During the elections, it is the opportunity and duty of the Tamil Nadu students to vote right. Three simple guidelines:
  1. Vote right.
  2.  Influence everyone in the family, friends and the community to vote right.
  3. Spread this message across the entire Tamil Nadu to bring about the change.
I am not a political advisor. I have said so several times in my earlier articles. However, if anyone has an uncertainty as to whom to vote, please read upon, for my thoughts:

What to do?
1.             All Daringly Must Knock out anti-Tamil Nadu forces
2.             All Dutifully Must Knead to decisive leadership
3.            All Dravidians (so to speak) Must Know the truth

Why to do?  Because,
1.            A national party has routed itself in the state
2.            Another national party has a comical coalition
3.            Permanent benefiters have more family issues to sort out

The student communities of the state of Tamil Nadu have a clear mandate for 2014 elections. Remember, we are electing representatives to protect the interests of Tamil Nadu. Please be prudent and prevail! Truth must triumph!

Author’s note:-

It is a deliberate attempt to delay this write-up and post 10 days prior to the elections. The author wants the message to be new and fresh in the minds of all – yet there has to be enough time to spread the message throughout the state.

It is a coincidence that the message goes out on the day of Tamil New year! Happy New year everyone! One Vote! One Leadership!

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